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2009 Indicator Analysis  |  2008

Année de donnees


Année de rapport


Condensate, LPG, Gas
ITIE état


Rapport rédigé par   Deloitte

Rapport ITIE   Download PDF

Source   laohamutuk.org

Paiements de la société


Recettes du gouvernement


PIB, 2009
milliards de US$


Recettes publiques totales (% du PIB)


Reported EI Revenue
(% of Total Revenue)


Indicateurs de qualité des Rapport

1. Régularité

a) score0.25 
b) total reports / implementing years2/8 

2. Rapidité de diffusion des informations

Lag between fiscal year of data and publication year.2 

3. Matérialité

Report clearly defines a materiality threshold.Non All petroleum revenues included, but materiality clause not provided.

4. Fiabilité des données

Report contains audited data from:  
a) companiesOui per Validation Report
b) governmentOui per Validation Report

5. Couverture

Revenue data includes the following revenue streams:  
a) royaltiesOui Royalties aggregated with profit oil.
b) taxesOui 
c) surface, rental or license feesOui 
d) bonusesN/A  
e) state-owned enterprise (SOE) paymentsN/A Timor Leste had no SOE in 2009.
f) Report covers all extractive sector companies.Yes  
g) Report states the price of any product received or sold by government.Non  
h) Report states the quantity of resources produced.No  

6. Écarts

Report contains:  
a) information on the cause of revenue discrepancies.Oui  
b) reconciled data following the correction of discrepancies.Oui All discrepancies were reconciled.

7. Flux de revenus des enterprises d’Etat

SOE Revenue Flow data is clearly explained in the report.N/A Timor Leste had no SOE in 2009.

8. Désaggrégation

Report provides financial data on individual:  
a) companiesOui  
b) revenue streamsOui Royalties aggregated with profit oil and thus could not be considered separately.
c) projectsNon  
d) commoditiesNon Report does not provide separate oil and gas numbers.

9. Compréhensibilité

Report contains:  
a) a summary with key findings and revenue totalsNon 
b) clear indication of what currencies and units of measurement are used Oui 
c) written explanation of key findings and recommendationsOui  
d) a clear definition of termsOui  

10. Accessibilité

Report is available:  
a) in at least one official languageOui Portuguese (official language) and English, but not Tetum.
b) on a government websiteOui 

Related Indicators

Revenue Watch Index, 201070.5 
Corruption Perception Index, 2010127 
Open Budget Survey, 201034/178 

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