As the United States and other countries develop new financial disclosure rules, Revenue Watch has researched stock listings for more than 7,400 publicly-traded oil, gas and mining securities on the largest global stock exchanges. The results provide a snapshot of this market sector, with an estimated value of more than €6.1 trillion ($7.7 trillion) on 35 exchanges.

Use the calculator and exchange listings below to see company listings on different exchanges and the financial stakes of improved transparency and reporting rules. Learn more »

Global Calculator
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Parliaments, regulators and stock exchanges in Australia, the EU, Norway and South Korea are considering new disclosure rules for publicly-traded companies making payments related to oil, gas and mining to governments. The Dodd-Frank law in the United States requires company disclosure of payments per country and per project.

Select exchanges below to calculate the combined value of companies listed. Or view by exchange to see all listed companies and their market capitalization. Amounts can be viewed in € Euros or $ Dollars.

  • By Value
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  • Major Companies

of global value
of companies
Selected exchanges cover $0 out of estimated $7.7 trillion in market capitalization of sector.
Australia (ASX), $353,314,334,000
BM&FBOVESPA Brazil, $598,009,148,000
BME Spain (4 Exchanges), $417,370,467,000
Bombay (BSE), $3,144,956,000
Canadian National Stock Exchange, $306,990,000
Deutsche Borse-Frankfurt, $350,031,029,000
Euronext Amsterdam, $878,595,593,000
Euronext Brussels, $440,811,250,000
Euronext Lisbon, $12,823,536,000
Euronext Paris, $543,286,765,000
Hong Kong (HKEx), $549,353,066,000
Italian Borsa, $165,774,731,000
Johannesburg (JSE), $404,998,767,000
Korea Exchange, $90,653,440,000
London (LSE), $1,704,617,220,000
Moscow MICEX, $452,163,001,000
NASDAQ OMX Nordic-Copenhagen, $116,180,000
NASDAQ OMX Nordic-Helsinki, $7,501,540,000
NASDAQ OMX Nordic-Iceland, $926,477,000
NASDAQ OMX Nordic-Riga, $45,432,000
NASDAQ OMX Nordic-Stockholm, $156,279,383,000
NSE India, $297,909,417,000
Oslo Bors, $146,544,346,000
Shanghai SE, $342,304,956,000
Shenzhen SE, $113,444,848,000
SIX Swiss Exchange, $349,968,793,000
Tokyo SE, $148,827,434,000
TSX Toronto, $1,059,932,378,000
TSX Venture, $44,423,797,000
United States (3 Exchanges), $4,387,304,679,000

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Considering mandatory disclosure rules
Passed mandatory disclosure rules

Selected Exchanges by Sector

Mining & Minerals
0% of global value
of companies
Oil & Gas
0% of global value
of companies

0 of 7,472
Extractive Sector
Company Listings
Australia (ASX), 1004 Companies
BM&FBOVESPA Brazil, 84 Companies
BME Spain (4 Exchanges), 18 Companies
Bombay (BSE), 143 Companies
Canadian National Stock Exchange, 78 Companies
Deutsche Borse-Frankfurt, 2128 Companies
Euronext Amsterdam, 15 Companies
Euronext Brussels, 40 Companies
Euronext Lisbon, 2 Companies
Euronext Paris, 39 Companies
Hong Kong (HKEx), 107 Companies
Italian Borsa, 13 Companies
Johannesburg (JSE), 74 Companies
Korea Exchange, 70 Companies
London (LSE), 362 Companies
Moscow MICEX, 73 Companies
NASDAQ OMX Nordic-Copenhagen, 3 Companies
NASDAQ OMX Nordic-Helsinki, 6 Companies
NASDAQ OMX Nordic-Iceland, 2 Companies
NASDAQ OMX Nordic-Riga, 1 Company
NASDAQ OMX Nordic-Stockholm, 28 Companies
NSE India, 157 Companies
Oslo Bors, 68 Companies
Shanghai SE, 85 Companies
Shenzhen SE, 82 Companies
SIX Swiss Exchange, 15 Companies
Tokyo SE, 83 Companies
TSX Toronto, 556 Companies
TSX Venture, 1611 Companies
United States (3 Exchanges), 525 Companies

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Considering mandatory disclosure rules
Passed mandatory disclosure rules

Selected Exchanges by Sector

Mining & Minerals
0% of global value
of companies
Oil & Gas
0% of global value
of companies

Top Companies on Selected Exchanges, by Market Cap

Company Name Market Cap, $ US Listed Exchange

* Company is listed on multiple exchanges and/or lists multiple stocks on same exchange. Value displayed is value as listed on exchange shown.