The Revenue Watch Institute analyzed more than 50 EITI reports from 28 countries, resulting in three briefing papers and a web site of easy-to-use tools for viewing and sharing data from the reports and related indicators.
You can use these web tools to view
country data by year, view RWI's analysis
by indicator and
compare results by country. Please take advantage of the print, share and
download features to share relevant pages and details with your colleagues online and in person.
In 2011, the EITI international board issued revised rules, including clearer, more rigorous requirements for compliance, as well as new guidelines regarding civil society participation. and should result in more useful, comprehensive EITI reports. The new rules address some of the recommendations made by Revenue Watch following our report analysis, however, several critical shortcomings remain. Learn more in RWI's Guide for Civil Society on the 2011 EITI Rules, and see below for briefing papers detailing our initial report analysis.
Revenue Watch's review of EITI data and report quality is an ongoing process, as countries' activities and EITI experience continue to evolve. If you have comments about RWI's analysis or the information presented here, please contact us with questions or suggestions.
EITI 2011
Improving report quality and expanding the use of their contents are priorities for EITI. RWI has analyzed the value of report data and assessed the quality of EITI reports from 28 countries.
I. What Makes a Good EITI Report?
By Alexandra Gillies

Using 10 indicators, RWI has assessed the quality of the most recent
EITI report from 23 countries. Many contain instances of good practice,
but most fall short in several areas, including failing to distinguish
revenues from multiple companies or different resources, neglecting
international auditing standards, and omitting vital ingredients for
comprehensibility, such as definitions or summaries.
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Français (pdf)
II. What Do the Numbers Say? Analyzing Report Data
By Alexandra Gillies

EITI reports remain under-utilized as a source of information and a tool
for advocacy. Revenue Watch finds that EITI data has the potential to
illuminate important governance issues, enable earnings comparisons
between government and private companies, and highlight government
dependent on nonrenewable resources. But until the reports are produced
regularly, with comprehensive data and a basic level of comparability,
their value will remain compromised.
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French (pdf)
III. Learning from Success and Challenges
By Page Dykstra

EITI has surged over the last year at both the national and
international levels, but increased participation has brought delays and
questions about the initiative's effectiveness and impact. Drawing on
results from a survey of civil society stakeholders and a review of
validation reports, Revenue Watch explores lessons from EITI
implementation, with an emphasis on views from civil society in
implementing countries.
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French (pdf)
IV. RWI Guide for Civil Society on New 2011 EITI Rules
By Adelia Saunders

The EITI board issued revised rules in February 2011. This briefing paper focuses on what the public and civil society organizations need to know to participate effectively in the EITI process and to take full advantage of country reports. In addition to discussing the pluses and minuses of the revised rules, the paper includes advocacy pointers suggesting opportunities for civil society to push for greater transparency.
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